How Do Different Playground Surfaces React When Wet?
There are lots of playground surfacing materials found in play areas, and every one of them reacts differently depending on the weather. Most materials become unsafe when rained on, and that's why you should always avoid letting your children play in bad weather. Here...
Judging the Safety of Playground Surfacing
Whether you’re a parent concerned about where you take your children to play or a business owner looking to build a new playground, the most important thing to consider during children’s playtime is their safety. "The Federation of America reports that approximately...
How Do Different Playground Surfaces Respond To Heat?
Playground surfacing is a critical item to consider on a playground, especially in the direct summer heat of the sun in Utah. Playground surfaces are typically comprised of sand, cement, asphalt, rubber, and Sof fall engineered wood chips. Each of these playground...
Are the Playgrounds At My Kid’s School Safe?
Are the Playgrounds at Your Child's School Safe? While you are taking your children to school, you will want them to have a safe environment to play in each day. There are hundreds of playground accidents each year that lead to serious injuries, so playground safety...
What Makes Sof’Fall So Special
You can never be too careful when it comes to the safety of children. They need to be able to run and play in order to help with their physical and social development. That is why safe playground surfacing is provided by Sof'Fall. The Making of a new playground...
How Long Should Children Play Outside In Utah?
While many parents are becoming more and more wary of the outdoor world, experts are saying that this is leading children to have developmental problems. In Salt Lake City and around the world the number of children spending hours with their bodies glued to their...
Fun And Safe Playground Games For Your Kids
Exercise is extremely important for keeping kids happy and healthy. Exercise helps strengthen bones, keep hearts pumping strong and can improve your child's self-esteem. One of the best ways to encourage your child to exercise is to head to a nearby playground and get...
How Going To Playgrounds Can Increase Your Child’s Creativity
While playground safety is of utmost importance to many Salt Lake City parents, scientists have proven that risky outdoor play boosts children's creativity. Thanks to soft playground surfacing, kids can develop their creativity to the fullest, and parents in Salt Lake...
Unsafe Playground Features To Look Out For
Making sure children get plenty of outdoor activity is crucial for their healthy development. Playgrounds can be great places for a family outing, but parents should be aware of various safety hazards that may exist. Here are some tips to help you watch out for unsafe...
Why Parks Are An Important Part Of Your Child’s Health
Summer is here! For most of us with kids, that strikes a little fear in the heart of every parent---what do we fill our children's time up NOW? Idle time for children is not necessarily good for them; finding ways to incorporate play and physical activity throughout a...