People who live in Utah know that cold, ice, rain, and snow are all part of winter. It will take some effort and some rubber mulch to protect their plants and gardens. Rubber material mulch is also one of the best types of playground materials. This is a way playgrounds, gardens, and landscapes can be preserved until September It is important to winterize and rubber mulch is a great way to prepare for the cold. It has been proven to work better in the winter than engineered wood fibers material.
Temperature Control
When it comes to plants, rubber material acts as an important barrier. It can provide insulation on the ground. Rubber material maintains a layer of warmth next to the ground. This helps in a number of ways.

We don’t limit the incredible uses of Sof’Fall to just providing the safest playground surfacing material.
It will keep cold air from affecting plant stems and root systems. Rubber material can also be used on or around a compost bin. This will stabilize the temperature. Doing this will make it possible for a garden and landscaping to be available faster when spring arrives.
Freezing And Ice
Rubber material does not absorb water. This means it will not cause a slippery situation or frostbite in a person’s yard. Some moisture can still get to the plants. This is something needed all year and applies to shrubs as well as trees. They are often damaged by the cold ground having a lack of moisture.
Rain And Wind
Blizzards and winter storms can cause significant drops in temperature. This is how a person’s plants and landscaping can be damaged. Rubber material is long-lasting and heavy. There is no reason to worry about this mulch washing away in a rainstorm.
Brighten Landscape
Using brightly colored rubber material can improve the appearance of winter landscaping. Various colors can be used to signify a favorite season. It is a way to extend summer or spring. The yellows and cherry reds mixed with a vibrant green rubber material can remind a person of a sunny garden even during a winter blizzard. Orange and rustic brown accents can provide a feeling of autumn. The possibilities are only limited by a person’s imagination.
Discourage Garden Mold And Mildew
Rubber material is not like organic mulches. Shredded rubber will battle molds and mildews and keep them from causing problems with a person’s garden during the winter. It doesn’t decompose or decay. This means people don’t have to worry about how their garden will look when the winter has gone. Rubber material can discourage the germination of weeds.
Disease-Free Plants
A careless autumn season of not raking leaves can cause problems. Fallen leaves develop into a soaked mat of potential disease that could harm winter plants. Occasional raking is necessary to avoid contaminating plants with diseases and fungi. It will also prevent grass from suffocating.
One of the most popular playground materials is rubber mulch. It will continue to provide benefits during the entire winter season. Unlike rubber material, engineered wood fibers will absorb and retain water when water freezes. It won’t permit adequate drainage and more. Rubber material will provide important protection during the entire winter season
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