We are living in a digital era where almost every activity is computerized. This has rendered nearly all people, kids alike, to be less active as they spend the bulk of their time behind computers. These days, even playing games outdoors is considered to be out-fashioned, considering that there are loads of indoor computer games to play during their free time.
“Not only by building more parks, but by building better, safer, and more engaging parks will we help our children get back to playing with one another outside.”
We hope this trend will start to change as there has been an entry of modern playground trends into the market. There are also new playground surfaces entering the market, most of which are made of soft material to ensure that the safety of the kids is always assured. The following are some of the new playground trends that Salt Lake City residents can expect to see in the coming months and years.
NEW TECHNOLOGY FOR PLAYGROUND SAFETY: Industry leading companies like Sof’Fall are helping to provide safer parks for our children to play on. An increase in playground safety can lead to increases in playground attendance and satisfaction.
1) Electronic Interactive Play
Are you worried that your kids are always fixated on the television screens for most parts of their free days? Well, you need to relax as there are plenty of games that they play outside and still get the thrill that comes with engaging in computer games. Electronic Interactive Play is, without a doubt, one of the most engaging outdoor games that parks are incorporating in their playgrounds. The game tests speed, alertness, and coordination of the players.
2) PlayGrounds For All
Research shows that people of all ages are interested in participating in outdoor games. As a result, they have customized playground surfaces with non-toxic materials that ensure that people of different age groups can engage in outdoor sports. The move is proving to be successful as many people are embracing engaging in sporting activities as part of trying to control many of the common lifestyle induced ailments such as obesity.
3) Sensible and engaging games
The primary aim of games is to deliver a particular result to the participant. Many of the playgrounds in Salt Lake City have realized that there is a need for sports to be engaging in such a way that they enable the kid’s senses to grow. On that light, many playgrounds are introducing musical instruments, water features, rotating play equipment, and many other objects that will keep the kids engaged and in the process lead to holistic development.
4) Introduction To New Playground Equipment
Children require adventurous and challenging games on their day to day play. This will enable them to grow to responsible individuals who can face issues head-on without fear. Most playgrounds have realized this and as a result, rolled out games such as sky-high climbing nests that require expertise to engage in. Participation in such games has enabled the kids to hone their creativity.
The bottom line for many playgrounds is that they need to be upgraded to meet the desires of those for whom they were intended. Another big upgrade a lot of parks need is to have a safe and soft playground surfacing. By improving both safety and entertainment levels of our parks we can get more people outside benefitting from the joys that parks were designed to give us.
We've been catching children when they fall for over 27 Years
Get in touch with us to learn why our play area surface products are your best option.Get your free quote today.
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